Medical Records Scanning
As the Electronic Medical Records Mandate nears its deadline, let us help you with the scanning and conversion of your paper-based medical records. This is the first step to implementing electronic medical records.
Our fast and accurate conversion service converts your paper charts and files to digital images indexes data, allowing you to focus on your clinical and business priorities.
We scan:
- Patient Records
- Medical Charts
- Health Service Provider Notes
- Insurance Bills
- Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)
- Ambulance Call Reports
- Fetal Traces
- Technical Reports
Take Advantage of the Federal Dollars Available to Help You Conversion Effort
You may qualify for between $44,000 and $64,000 over 5 years when you convert to electronic medical records. Moreover, physicians that do not adopt an EMR by 2015 will be penalized though percentage decreases in Medicare reimbursements rates.
As a growing number of healthcare organizations implement EMR and EHR systems, the importance of accurate medical records scanning is increasing. Many organizations are confronted with the reality that converting their legacy patient chart information into electronic form can be a bigger challenge than initially expected. Our company offers the experience and expertise to simplify this process.
Our Approach
We offer patient charts conversion services so our customers can outsource this task to our specialists while continuing to operate efficiently. We have all the required experience to prevent and avoid many of the pitfalls that might occur during the scanning and conversion process as our process is based on years of experience in paper document conversion. Out approach includes:
1. Preparing the documents for transport to our scanning facility
Our team of professionals will work with your staff to coordinate the boxing, preparation and transportation of your important medical records to our production document scanning facility. We take great care in making sure you continue to have access to your patient information throughout the process by bar-coding every chart and every box as it is sent out for scanning.
2. Receipt of documents
Once patient charts are received at our facility, our team will carefully inventory your information and provide a detailed tracking manifest of all of the information that we've received. This enables us to quickly and easily access a patient chart if it's needed during the medical record scanning process.
3. Document preparation
Preparing medical records for scanning is often the most time-consuming, tedious part of the process. Our experts will remove all staples and fasteners, repair any ripped or torn pages, and carefully sort out the different sections of a patient chart, ensuring that you can access the information you need, when you need it.
4. Scanning
Our production document scanning service center is equipped with leading-edge equipment and we can capture all types of detailed information.
5. Quality Control
When scanning medical records, and specifically patient charts, quality control is essential. We review every image to ensure readability and quality. Each image is carefully analyzed to ensure that nothing is missed during the scanning process.
6. Indexing
We'll work with your EMR or EHR vendor to ensure that we can capture and tag your charts with all of the pertinent information so that you can access the scanned images through your software. We can index your files based on date of birth, patient ID number, first and last name, and any other information that you need to help you access your files when you need them.
7. Importing your data into your electronic medical records (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) system.
We will handle the integration points and ensure that your imaged data will be delivered to your EMR or EHR system efficiently. We eliminate the headaches normally associated with importing information by partnering with many leading vendors to feed their systems at the database level.
8. Inventory of your documents and disposition
Often times, a medical organization will want to preserve the physical paper for peace of mind. Our company offers secure medical record storage to archive your information for as long as it's needed.